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Nov., 2006 Club Calendar, Tips and Tricks
Oct., 2006 Next Meeting 10/10, 6:30 pm @ Visitor's Center, Altimeter Review, Carbon Fiber and Fiberglass
Sept., 2006 Last club meeting at the field for the season: Tues., Sept. 12, Some good text from our club members.
Aug., 2006 Fall Fun-Fly September 16th, Summer Reading, Frequency Crystals, Lost Squadron
July, 2006 Fun-Fly Report, Safety, Club Calendar
June, 2006 Fun-Fly June 10th, Club Meetings at Field, Safety, For Sale Items
May, 2006 Airplane Design Features, Vertical Storage Rack, For Sale Items
April, 2006 GlobalFlyer, Spring Follies, For Sale Items, Fun-Fly Dates
Mar., 2006 Banquet Report- Awards Recipients, Joe Weizer the Famous Inventor, "Lost Squadron" Pilot to Speak at March Meeting
Feb., 2006 BOG Minutes, WRAM Reminder, Banquet Reminder, Secretary's Note
Jan., 2006 Award Nominees, New Book, F/A 22, WRAM Show, BOG List
Dec., 2005 Science Night, Awards Nominations at Dec. Meeting, Hints and Tips
Nov., 2005 BOG Results, Hints and Tips, How Fast Is My Airplane?
Oct., 2005 Fun-Fly Report, For Sale Items
Sept., 2005 Fun-Fly September 10th, BOG Nominations Closed
Aug., 2005 "If It Looks Good, It Will Fly Good", Club Calendar, For Sale Items
July, 2005 Fun-Fly Report, Glider Training, BOG Nominations, For Sale Items
June, 2005 Fun-Fly June 11th!, VFSS at Senior Expo, Club Trainer
May, 2005 Fun-Fly Dates: June 11th and September 10th, Lots of New Business at the BOG, For Sale Items
Apr., 2005 Bylaw Changes Approved, Flight Training Fund, For Sale Items
Mar., 2005 Banquet Report, Proposed VFSS Bylaws Changes, More Notes From the Internet
Feb., 2005 Banquet and WRAM Show this Month, Notes From the Internet
Jan., 2005 New Prez, Painting Scale Markings, Award Nominees, WRAM Show Info., New BOG
Dec., 2004 RCV Engine Program, Glider Winch & Retriever Cart, Annamarie Malloy.
Nov., 2004 Defensive Flying, CAD Design/Laser Cutting, Field Safety.
Oct., 2004 New AMA and Field Safety Requirements, List of BOG Members and Other Club Function Officers.
Sept., 2004 Mowing Maintenance, Student Update, Club Calendar.
Aug., 2004 Notes from Park Superintendent Meeting, BOG Nominations Needed, Fun-Fly September 11, 9am
July, 2004 Handibond Glue Donation, VFSS Education Program, Wankel Powerhouse, Hints and Tips
June, 2004 Fun Fly June 12, Meeting with Park Superintendent, Show and Tell, June Airshow Calendar.
May, 2004 Show-n-Tell, State Rep helps us, Lithium Battery Fires, Airshow dates.
April, 2004 Bus Trip, Field Problems, Elementary School Program, For Sale Items.
Mar., 2004 Award Recipients, Building and Flying Tips,Lebanon and Hamburg Flea Markets this month.
Feb., 2004 An Important Letter Concerning Our Flying Privileges, George Dukes Memorial,
WRAM Show and Awards Banquet this Month
Jan., 2004 New Club Officers, Our Lease at the Park, Award Nominees, Building Tips.
Dec., 2003 News about BOG elections, WRAM Show, and Spotter rule. Arizona WW2 Aircraft Museum.
Nov., 2003 Boy Scout Flight Demo Report, That Corner Down There!, BOG Nominees
Oct., 2003 Aerobatic Clinic and Fun-Fly Report, email addresses needed, New Safety Recommendations
Sept., 2003 Club Member in the News, Fall Fun Fly Sept. 13, On the Lighter Side
Aug., 2003 Fun Fly Report, Potential Radio Interference at VF, Windy Flying
July, 2003 Flying the Tango Dual-Rotor Autogyro, Instructions, Safety
June, 2003 Fun Fly June 21st, Flying the Single Rotor Autogyro
May, 2003 The Road To Buck, Club Calendar, Raffle
April, 2003 New Season Reminders, Fun-Fly Dates
Mar., 2003 Awards Winners, Instructors Meeting, Battery Care, Reducing Engine Noise.
Feb., 2003 Awards Banquet Feb.11, WRAM Show Feb. 21-23; Listening to your Airplane.
Jan., 2003 New Club Officers, Laser Cutting, VFSS Hats, Award Nominees
Dec., 2002 Club Business, Passing of a Member, Club Calendar
Nov., 2002 Flea Market 11/16, Preparation Tips for Beginners, more
Oct., 2002 Reports on Park Appreciation Day Fun-Fly, Wings and Limerick Fly-Ins.
Sept., 2002 Fun-Fly and Fly-In Calendar Dates
Aug., 2002 Instructors Needed!, Important Club Calendar Dates
July, 2002 Memorial Fun Fly Saturday July 6!
June, 2002 Sound Byte, I Hate ARFs, more
May, 2002 Checking Fuel Tanks for Leaks, Toledo Report, Fun-Fly Schedule
April, 2002 Warm Weather Approaching, Tapering Trailing Edges, Safety Bulletins
Mar., 2002 Awards Banquet, Doug Davidson Recipients, Kwik Connector Safety
Feb., 2002 Sign up for Banquet, WRAM Show
Jan., 2002 Awards Nominees, Gene's Turbine Jet, Banquet Registration Form
Dec., 2001 VFSS Flea Market Report, Park Flyers
Nov., 2001 Tuskegee Airman, Boy Scouts Visit VFSS, Flea Market Nov. 17
Oct., 2001 Reports from Wings, Limerick and Park Appreciation Day.
Sept., 2001 Wings and Limerick Airshows, Fun Fly- Park Appreciation Day 9/15.
Aug., 2001 Memorial Fun Fly Report
July, 2001 Fun Fly Winners, VFSS'ers in the classrooms
June, 2001 Memorial Fun Fly: Saturday June 30th, Crosswind Landings
May, 2001 Officers Meet with Park Officials, Noise, Spring Preparation.
April, 2001 Builder's Corner- Field Boxes, Field Volunteers Needed, Club Calendar.
Mar., 2001 Banquet Awards, Cold Weather Voltage, Meet the New Editor.
Feb., 2001 In Memorium, Who invented the Glow Plug?, Builders Corner- Balancing.
Jan., 2001 From our new President, Metal Fuel cans, Newsletter Editor Needed.
Dec., 2000 2001 Renewal Form, 2001 WRAM Show, Kit Building, Newsletter Editor Needed.
Nov., 2000 Club Hats, Builders Corner, Propellor Sizes.
Oct., 2000 Club Auction Nov. 4, Kit Building, Flight Simulator Survey.
Sept., 2000 FunFly Sept. 23, Breakfast Fly-in, Builders Corner, Field Tools.
Aug., 2000 Concorde Facts, Nicad Notes, Starting Safety
July, 2000 VFSS Awarded AMA Gold Leader Club, FunFly report
June, 2000 Memorial Spring Fun Fly June 10, RC Channel Population, Prop Balancing, More
May, 2000 How We Got Our Name, Pilot Profile Format, WRAM Show Story
April, 2000 Learning to Fly Helicopters, Field is rolled!
Mar., 2000 Banquet Report, Annual Awards for 2000
Feb., 2000 2000 FunFlys, Club Hats, Sound Measurement Examples
Jan., 2000 Welcome New Editor, WRAM Show and Banquet Signup
Dec., 1999 2000 Membership Renewal Form., Battery Drain
Nov., 1999 It's Auction Time Again!!
Oct., 1999 FunFly and Breakfast Fly-in Report, Piper J-3 Cub, Raffle Prizes
Sept., 1999 Raffle Prizes, Brake Fluid?, Noise Control, Flutter, Safety
Aug., 1999 In Memory of Austin and Jim, Important Club Dates
July, 1999 Fun-Fly Report, Kit Review, B.O.G. Report
June, 1999 Channel Usage Table, W/S:Weight:Power Guide, Pilot Profile: Bob Flick
May, 1999 Toledo Show, Signal "Shorts", Radial Engine Operation
April, 1999 WRAM Reflections, Computerized Lettering, Cabin Fever Expo
Mar., 1999 Banquet Awards, Gel Cel Batteries, Pilot Profile: Charlie Swope
Feb., 1999 WRAM Show & Awards Banquet Info, Servos
Jan., 1999 New Club Officers, Membership Renewal Form, Banquet Form
Dec., 1998 Garber Facility, Building With Epoxy, 1998 FCC Rule.
Nov., 1998 Auction Nov.7, Engine Starting Tip, Decals, Fuel Tanks
Oct., 1998 Annual Auction Nov.7, Training Update, Record Flight
Sept., 1998 Breakfast Fly-In 9/13, Fun-Fly 9/26
Aug., 1998 Radio Channel Usage, Italian RC, Pilot Profile: Frank Morris
July, 1998 Personal Injury, Area Events, Pilot Profile: Joe Krush
June, 1998 Air Shows, Training Update, Pilot Profile: Dave West
May, 1998 Tech Tips, Fuel Facts, Pilot Profile: George Dukes
April, 1998 Sound Check program, WRAM Show Review, Pilot Profile: Rudy Forst
Mar., 1998 Tech Tips: Nicads, Cleanup Solutions, Pilot Profile: Ed Snead
Feb., 1998 Field Safety, Battery Tips, Pilot Profile: Bud Klopp
Jan., 1998 New Editor's First Issue, New Officers Named, Pilot Profile: Austin Gutman
Dec., 1997 Membership Renewal, W.R.A.M. Show, Items for Sale.
Nov., 1997 Editor Still Needed, Funfly Report, Training Graduation
Oct., 1997 Editor Needed, V.F.S.S. Auction Nov. 1
Sept., 1997 Breakfast Fly-In Sept. 7, Helicopter Fun-Fly
Aug., 1997 Sunday Hours, Davey Systems Kits for Sale
July, 1997 Our great club, Some sad news, The Corsair
June, 1997 Fun Fly 6/28, Change in Sunday flying hours, Hot tip on Nylon Bolts
May, 1997 Safety, Cutting Balsa Circles, Good Soaring Article
April, 1997 Start of Flying Season, Curve Ball, Transatlantic Flight
Mar., 1997 Banquet, Beware Trickle Chargers, From the Net
Feb., 1997 Annual Awards Banquet, From the Net, Toe-in
Jan., 1997 WRAM Show, Drag Reduction, Stuff for sale
Dec., 1996 A Soar Heads Perspective, Membership info
Nov., 1996 Some Thoughts On Drag, Nice solo story
Oct., 1996 Vintage Aircraft Day, Club Auction Nov.2
Sept., 1996 V.F.S.S. Fun-Fly on September 28th!
Aug., 1996 News From The V.P., Stewart Middle School Project, More
July, 1996 News From the President, Safety Stuff!, Upcoming Events
June, 1996 Training Program Update, Planes For Sale, Upcoming Events
May, 1996 Training News Update, The Shakes, Comments From The New Editor
April, 1996 Volunteer needed, Start of Flying Season, Lost plane story
Mar., 1996 Some sad news, Banquet awards, Big scale meeting coming up
Feb., 1996 Awards Banquet, Presidents Message, Your Next Airplane
Jan., 1996 WRAM Trip, Net News, Blind Nut Installation Tip
Dec., 1995 Nominees, New Fliers' Seminar, News from Trinidad
Nov., 1995 Training Program Flame War Continues, Fun Fly, More
Oct., 1995 Congratulations, WRAM Trip, Training Program Rebuttals
Sept., 1995 Training Program, Feedback from Cyberspace
Aug., 1995 Legal Eagle?, Fowler Flaps, Wing Flexure
July, 1995 Editor on Soapbox, Sailplanes and Winches

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