Hear Ye!

The official newsletter of the :
Valley Forge Signal Seekers
Radio Controlled Model Airplane Club
June, 1996

In This Issue:

* News From The President
* B.O.G. Review
* Training Program Update
* Planes For Sale
* Upcoming Events

News from the president
By Warren Barrick

May Meeting: Once again thanks to all who attended our May meeting in the park. The B.O.G. in, it's infinite wisdom, selected the one evening so far this month that made it possible for us to fly, have a meeting and enjoy a presentation by a representative of the park.

George Matlock, costumed as a foot soldier of the Pennsylvania State regiment detailed for us the significance of the park, beyond the winter suffering, to our national history. He also displayed and explained each item of his military equipment, from haversack to smooth bore musket. All of this was done with humor and great skill. We really appreciated his presentation, he was great.

Jack Butler and his wife Jean made homemade cookies for refreshments. They were super and certainly "hit the spot". Thanks Jack and Jean.

Mike Estock flew the box to re-emphasize our flying limitations. Thanks Mike. Stay in the box.

June Meeting:
The June meeting will be held as usual at the church. The meeting will have two themes, soaring and electric flight. a mini auction of Fred Warner's models and equipment will also be held. Fred's widow has generously donated these things to the club. The B.O.G. will determine how best to utilize the proceeds. Make sure you attend this meeting it promises to be an informative as well as rewarding evening.

Fun Fly:
Our date for the first 1996 Fun Fly has not been firmed up by the B.O.G, however if I were you I would reserve the last Saturday in June as well as the Sunday after. It's the weekend before the 4th of July and might prove to be a promising date for attendance and participation. More in the June membership meeting or by special announcement. Stay tuned.

Field Etiquette:
Let's all make serious efforts to conduct ourselves as gentlepersons while at the field. Do not "hog" frequencies. Use the pin for your flight, then return it to the board for someone else to use. Do this especially on days when there are numerous guys waiting to fly. Thanks in advance.

By Sam Andreas
The May 21st meeting of the V.F.S.S. Board of Governors was called to order at 7:00 PM. In attendance were: The President, Vice President, Secretary and 16 B.O.G. members. In addition, Rom Boutin, Ed Snead, George Bond and an Explorer Troop leader were present.

Topics discussed were:
1- Member George Bond and the leader of a local Explorer troop addressed the board. The subjects discussed concerned the enlistment of 5 club members to work with the troop and instruct them in various facets of model construction, flying etc. This will be discussed in detail at the June general meeting.
2- The Treasurer, who, although unable to attend the meeting, provided Warren Barrick with a current report on the club's financial status.
3- The V.F.S.S. participation in the fundraiser for Angel Flight will take place on September 7th at Wings field. The club will have a static display of models in one of the hangers. Al Campana is coordinating the event for the club.
4- The Club's Fun Fly will be held on Saturday, June 29th, with a raindate of June 30th. There will be plenty of hoagies and sodas for club members. The fun will begin at 9:00 AM. There will also be a Helicopter fun fly on Sunday, June 23rd.
5- The models and modeling equipment of the late Fred Warner will be auctioned off at the June general meeting. The proceeds will be donated to the Chester County Library.
6- There was discussion regarding obtaining club hats and jackets. Al Campana will further research into available styles, costs, etc.
7- The July 9th General Meeting will be held at the flying field beginning at 6:15 PM. The raindate will be Thursday July 11th.
8- For the August General Meeting the club will ask Jeff Troy to provide a demonstration of covering techniques.
9- Member Lew Zimmerman won a gallon of fuel for putting forth the best ideas for themes of upcoming meetings.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM.

By Rom Boutin
The May issue of Hear-Ye listed the then current Instructors and Technicians available to the Signal Seekers. That listing is modified as of May to include Sam Andreas, Jim Medinger and Simon bush who have qualified as Instructors.
Congratulations to Sam, Jim and Simon. As of 20 May we have 12 Instructors, a total of 38 Students (and growing) plus 6 Technicians.
Congratulations to Arch Paltrineri for successfully completing the training program and having soloed after 20 sessions of instructions. Arch started his training on 13 April and Soloed on 23 May 1996. His instructor was Chuck Karr who as usual did a great Job, just ask Arch. Way to go Chuck.


All the above will be sold on a make offer basis.
Contact: Ed Walsh 610-983-0554

All MUST BE SOLD. Contact: Jeff Scanes- 610-363-8579

Upcoming Events For June and July
June 8-9th: LVRCS Electric fly-in. Sponsored by the Lehigh Valley RC Society. Call Michael Steward (908-689-6981) for details, directions.
June 9: New Garden Airshow, Delmar Benjaman will perform a flying demonstration with his Full sized GeeBee. New Garden Airport, Tough Kennamon, PA. Begins at noon.
June 15th and 16th: Tri-County Wingsnappers Giant Scale Fly- in. Hamburg,PA. Call Walt Gladney (610-683-6128) for directions.
June 23: V.F.S.S. Helicopter Fly-in. From 2:00 until sundown.
June 29 (Raindate June 30) V.F.S.S Annual Fun-Fly =46rom 9:00 AM until Sundown.
July 11th through 14th: Warbirds over Delaware sponsored by Delaware RC club, Newark Delaware. Place: Lums pond State Park. Restricted to IMAA Members. Joe Asher (302-998-1685).
July 20th (Raindate July 21st): Cloud Kings RC Club Annual Fly-in. Harris Field.
July 21st: Daniel Boone Silent Flyers Annual Soaring Competition for 444. Daniel Boone Homestead. Call Gerald Zeigenfuse (610-779-3229) for directions, details.

Feedback or comments to:
Sam Andreas, HearYe editor

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