Lens Comparison: Nikon 50mm f/1.4D vs. 50mm f/1.4G

By Michael Myers


Nikon f/1.4 lens comparison
The G is quite a bit larger.


Nikon f/1.4 lens comparison
The iris diaphragm on the G has smoother edges.


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The camera used for the comparison photos was a Nikon D80.

I used aperture priority single area autofocus for all shots, aiming the focus point at the same spot for all comparisons- I felt that was the best way to ensure uniformity. Sometimes the G made a slight difference in shutter speed exposing 1/3 stop longer.

For all comparison photos, as above, the G is on the left and the D is on the right.

Nikon f/1.4 lens comparison
Not much difference in bokeh at f/1.4 but the resolution of the D seems better.


Nikon f/1.4 lens comparison
Closing the aperture a bit, the D seems better saturated, and you can see the advantage of the G's iris diaphragm in the out-of-focus highlights.

Nikon f/1.4 lens comparison
Pretty much even at f/8.


* * *

Chromatic Aberration Comparison

Nikon f/1.4 lens comparison
Inset shows some purple fringing at f/1.4 on the D.


Nikon f/1.4 lens comparison
It's gone by f/2.8 on the D but the G is picking up some red fringing.


Nikon f/1.4 lens comparison
More severe red fringing on the G at f/4, not on the D.


Nikon f/1.4 lens comparison
More chromatic aberration at f/1.4 on both lenses but different colors. 100% crop.


Nikon f/1.4 lens comparison
Gone by f/4 on the D, not so on the G. 100% crop.


Nikon f/1.4 lens comparison
Gone on both lenses by f/8. 100% crop.

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