Move the mouse over these images to see the effect of an infrared filter.
Here are two consecutive photos taken from the same location, one with an infrared filter, the other without. They were both converted to grayscale.
Move your cursor over the image to see the difference. |
The cloud contrast is quite remarkable, as is vegetation.
Move your cursor over the image to see the difference. |
The clouds and pine seedling in the front are much more visible in infrared.
Move your cursor over the image to see the difference. |
An ivy-covered farm house.
Move your cursor over the image to see the difference. |
The cloudless sky is almost black in infrared.
Move your cursor over the image to see the difference. |
The foliage is white in infrared.
Move your cursor over the image to see the difference. |
Here is a very cool infrared time-lapse movie. Note how the trees change suddenly (click image to play).
Trouble seeing this movie? Click here |
France in Infrared | American Southwest Canyons in Infrared
Clouds and Trees in Infrared | Beautiful Sculpture Gardens in Infrared
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