Head-Turning Pilot Videos

By Michael Myers

These videos were taken with a FlyCamOne2 camera
over Valley Forge National Park in Pennsylvania.

Here are some photos of the set-up showing the camera in place.

This one is set to music.
Captions explain the maneuvers.
Taking off- watch the shadow!
This one has the cockpit voice recording from USAir 1549, the plane that landed safely in the Hudson River after hitting a flock of birds.

Watch his mouth- it looks like his lips move.

Here he is flying inverted, then landing in Valley Forge Park.
His head pops up as he turns over.
The plane stalls, crashes and the pilot's head pops off!
This was the last flight for version 1.0.
Now he now can move up and down in addition to left and right.
Here is the latest version using a GoPro Hero2 HD Camera.
Best viewed at full screen and 1080p.

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